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  • 本文作者:517匈牙利
  • 内容来源:未知
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  • 发布时间:2020-03-28

According to the briefing of the ELTE Epidemiological Operative Coordinating Body on 13 March, the libraries of the University are closed until further notice. Book loaning that expires during this period will not be charged. The use of the library is enabled via digital channels, for further information see the following guides:
· http://konyvtar.elte.hu/sites/default/files/ELTE_EKL_brosura_2019_ENG_web.pdf
· https://konyvtar.elte.hu/en/remote-access-elte-databases-and-e-books
13. What happens with the Student ID Cards that do not have a valid sticker for the spring semester yet?
Student ID Cards that have a sticker for the autumn semester of 2019/2020 will be valid for 15 days after the end of the emergency state announced by the Government. 
14. How can distance education be realised if live streaming is not possible?
There is a wide range of tools and methods available for the teachers to realise distance education, from which live streaming is just one possible option (that is not banned anyway). The teacher will be the one notifying the students about the exact method, surface and tool that will be used for the given course.
15. When will the spring semester end and when will the exam period take place?
The ELTE Epidemiological Operative Coordinating Body does not plan to make further changes to the schedule of the spring semester of the academic year of 2019/2020. The Study period therefore ends on 16 May 2020, the exam period starts on 18 May and ends on 4 July 2020. Should there be any further changes to the original schedule, the ELTE Epidemiological Operative Coordinating Body will notify all students, teachers and staff members immediately. 
16. Will cross-border Hungarian students be able to travel back home?
Cross-border Hungarian students that have a foreign citizenship can leave the borders of Hungary, however, their return is not permitted at the moment for an indefinite period of time. We ask our students to constantly follow the announcements of ELTE and Hungarian authorities regarding border controls related to the COVID-19 epidemic. 
17.  If I have an already organized and paid trip for the dates of the original spring break, will I be able to travel then?
According to the guidelines of the Government and Hungarian authorities, we ask our students to postpone all international travels scheduled for the next few months, as it is highly possible that they will be quarantined in the country of destination or upon their return in Hungary. During the days of the original spring break the university will hold the courses in the form of distance education.
18. What happens with the Erasmus mobilities starting in September?
At the moment we cannot predict neither the global effects of the epidemic, nor how it will influence international travels and the higher education sector. We are preparing for the realisation of mobilities starting in September, however please follow our website for any updates.
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